Mary as Founder and Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Women in Parliament, set up an Inquiry in 2014 to look into improving Parliament and creating a better and more representative House of Commons. The belief of the cross-Party Inquiry Committee was that Parliament should reflect and represent the country it serves.
Following this Inquiry, the Women and Equalities Select Committee was formed in June 2015, to hold government to account on their work and policies on women and equalities.
"Parliament needs to be representative of the country it serves – a place where anyone from any background can aspire to serve as a Member of Parliament. At a time when the public still often see politicians as ‘out of touch’, increasing the number of female MPs is a vital step to help us reconnect with voters and improve our democracy. All political parties are united in their belief that gender parity is critical to having a modern, aspirational and representative Parliament. They are all taking positive steps to increase the selection of female candidates, the results of which will hopefully be seen in future general elections. However, we believe that more can be done to outreach to women across the country and to create a working environment that encourages more women to consider political life. We want to build on the great history and traditions of Parliament, continue the passion and conviction in debate, but change aspects that act as unnecessary barriers to women in politics. Parliament can and does change over time. The recommendations of this Inquiry focus on what we can do right now that will really make a difference to increase the number of women on our green benches. Our Inquiry has taken evidence from a wide audience within politics, public affairs, academia and business. We would like to thank the many MPs (both current and former), Peers, candidates and others who have participated in this Inquiry. I would also like to thank our sponsors Aberdeen Asset Management, EY and LEWIS PR who have supported the work and those that have helped to prepare this report. Our hope is that this report acts as a catalyst for positive and immediate change for the existing and future generation of female MPs, so that at long last, we can allow women across this country to achieve their potential in politics, and achieve a representative and diverse Parliament that reflects our nation and the many people in it."
Mary Macleod, Inquiry Chair